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    • EVENING Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 12-week Course starts Wednesday, October 2
    • Mindfulness for Modern Living 8-week Course, September 30 - November 18
    • Living Mindfulness Weekly advanced practice group, Wednesdays starts September 25
  • "Fall Song" - Mary Oliver and Vivaldi's "Autumn"  
  • Science of Mindfulness: 18 studies on Loving Kindness Practice
  • Introduction to Reiki 
  • Yale University is offering the popular course Science of Well-Being for FREE!

  • Non-Violent Communication Training in Tallahassee September 27-28

Mindful Lifestyles Now

Limited Liability Company

Real changes - on your own terms and built on your own personal values

Pamela Chamberlynn, MSW, NBC-HWC

Mindfulness Based 

Stress Reduction 

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

(MBSR) Course

Starts Wednesday, October 2 through December 18 

6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

$150 Tuition

Health insurance may be applicable

(Payment plans are available)

at Fellowship Presbyterian Church

3158 Shamrock Street South, Tallahassee, FL 32309

Call Pamela to Register

(850) 329-6638

Each student will receive an Ebook copy of the Duke Integrative Medicine Center Personalized Health Plan Manual and access to my audio files of guided Mindfulness Meditation practices

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in-depth content:

  • Principles of Mindfulness
  • Awareness of Breathing Meditation
  • Body Scan Meditation
  • Walking Meditation
  • Mindfulness of Sensory Experience 
  • Choiceless Awareness Meditation
  • Loving Kindness Meditation
  • Introduction to Mindful Eating
  • Introduction to Mindful Yoga: Standing Series and Floor Series
  • Mountain Meditation
  • Lake Meditation
  • Individualized Mindfulness Plan for Your Lifestyle

Mindfulness for Modern Living

Mindfulness for Modern Living is an eight-week course in Mindfulness training and Health & Wellness Planning

offered through the Wellness Initiative between  Goodwood Museum and Gardens and Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.

at Goodwood Museum and Gardens starting 

Monday, September 30 through 

Monday, November 18

1:30 - 3:30 PM.

$195.00 Tuition

Health insurance may be applicable

Registration through Goodwood Gardens and Museum

This course is a very unique and practical Mindfulness training that focus deeply on your personal Self-Care for these increasingly stressful times we are moving through.

MINDFULNESS FOR MODERN LIVING combines the best of Duke Integrative Medicine Center’s lifestyle medicine and behavior change theory and practice with basic training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to maximize your wellness and best living in the following areas of your life:

• Movement, Exercise and Rest

• Nutrition

• Relationships and Communication

• Physical Environment

• Spirituality

• Personal and Professional Development

• Your personal choices based on your values for Professional Health Care that includes both Prevention and Intervention and Evidence-Based Conventional and Complementary Approaches.

Each student will receive an Ebook copy of the Duke Integrative Medicine Center Personalized Health Plan Manual and access to my audio files of guided Mindfulness Meditation practices.

Living Mindfulness

Living Mindfulness is an advanced Mindfulness training and practice group for people who have had mindfulness training, are experienced with all of the basic core practices of mindfulness, and committed to their personal practice and service to the world through Loving Kindness.

This is an excellent group to continue to advance and deepen your practice and application of mindfulness into all areas of your daily living.  Your questions about how to apply mindfulness to the stresses and issues of your life are welcomed to support you in strengthening your resilience and aliveness to what is present in each moment.

Meets Every Wednesday  

Noon - 1:30 PM

$10.00 per class

Health insurance may be applicable


Fellowship Presbyterian Church in the Library Room

3158 Shamrock Street South, Tallahassee, FL 32309


Prior approval from instructor Pamela Chamberlynn

(850) 329-6638

In what area(s) of your life do you intend to make positive lifestyle changes in 2020? 

Click to see the Duke Wheel of Health

 Health & Wellness Coaching​ - Partnership and Expertise 

in making positive lifestyle changes

Professional services to help you or a loved one organize their vision and values around making some important lifestyle changes    can be a life-changing holiday gift.

If you are ready – or even considering getting ready - to make sustainable and permanent lifestyle changes in one or more areas of your health to maximize your well-being, Health & Wellness Coaching is an evidence-based, interdisciplinary method of achieving your goals in kind and gentle steps based on your personal vision for your life and your own personal values.

Mindfulness is a Mind-Body-Heart training and practice that re-engages your natural human capacity to be fully present in the direct experience of your own life

Vivaldi wrote his most famous work The Four Seasons in the early 1700s. Vivaldi was an innovative artist of music for his time and The Four Seasons became "one of the earliest and most detailed examples of what would come to be called program music—i.e., music with a narrative element." (wikipedia: The Four Seasons) The music will be instantly familiar to you!  

I invite you to sit back, bring your awareness to your natural breath simply coming in and falling out, and take a few minutes to just "be" with Vivaldi's Autumn. 

Fa​ll Song

     Another year gone, leaving everywhere

     its rich spiced residues: vines, leaves,

     the uneaten fruits crumbling damply

     in the shadows, unmattering back

     from the particular island

     of this summer, this NOW, that now is nowhere

     except underfoot, moldering

     in that black subterranean castle

     of unobservable mysteries - roots and sealed seeds

     and the wanderings of water. This

     I try to remember when time's measure

     painfully chafes, for instance when autumn

     flares out at the last, boisterous and like us longing

     to stay - how everything lives, shifting

     from one bright vision to another, forever

     in these momentary pastures.

-  Mary Oliver

I invite you to follow my Facebook Business page @MindfulLifestyle  

  The content of the Facebook Business page is based on all of the areas of the Duke Wheel of Health.

The Science of Mindfulness:


Mindfulness training and practice are much more than a meditation practice once or twice a day. Our bodies are designed to live fully and spaciously in each moment of our lives - yet our minds are acculturated to live much more in the past and future, often with stress and worry, than we are actually present in our own lives in each present moment.  

Loving Kindness practice is just about everyone's favorite and transformative form of mindfulness meditation and practice. At least eighteen formal studies have demonstrated tremendous benefits specific to Loving Kindness practice in the areas of 

  • Well-being 
  • Healing
  • Emotional intelligence in the brain
  • The stress response
  • Social connection
  • Self-love

Psychology Today summarized the results of eighteen scientific studies specifically focused on studying just this one form of mindfulness practice.



Reiki is an evidence-based system of natural healing used around the world by individuals and in hospitals and healing centers. 

Pamela Chamberlynn is an Usui Reiki Master. 


November 23, 2019

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Presented by

Pamela Chamberlynn, MSW, NBC-HWC


LeRoy Collins Public Library

200 W Park Ave, Tallahassee, FL

Yale University is offering the popular course

Science of Well-Being for FREE!

About this Course

In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.







Enrollment is through Coursera.

Professional Continuing Education Credits may be available for healing professions for a fee

Non-Violent Communication Training in Tallahassee

Communication Solution Intensive

September 27 & 28

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Dr. Cindy Stolls Landis Bigbie

I have the greatest respect for Non-violent Communication training for relationships. It is essential that every one of us learn how to communicate positively, connect authentically, and build co-creative communities that work for all of us. Unfortunately, this is NOT how we were brought up in the modern world. Communication is more disconnecting and broken now than it has ever been. 

 Dr. Cindie Stolls Landis Bigbie, PhD., Certified Non-Violent Communication trainer, has been and continues to be a tireless pioneer for non-violent communication and restorative justice in our community. I have volunteered at the wonderful restorative justice program Cindy and others implemented at the Palmer Monroe Teen Center on the south side of Tallahassee.

Abundance Wellness Center 325 John Knox Road

Tallahassee, FL

Registration Information

© 2019 Mindful Lifestyles Now                                                  Limited Liability Company

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